In commercial lending, obtaining a personal guaranty or corporate guaranty falls under the routine everyday standard best practices of any lender.
What School Officials Need to Know about Student Data Privacy in Illinois
Data breaches have happened, and will continue to happen, to all different types of entities, including private businesses, charities, government offices, and schools.
What Banks in Illinois Should Expect If Recreational Cannabis Becomes Legal
The incoming governor-elect of Illinois, J.B. Pritzker has promised to pass legislation that legalizes the sale and consumption of recreational cannabis in Illinois for adults over the age of 21.
Some Lawsuits Against Motor Carriers and Shippers May Be Barred under the Hazardous Material Transportation Act
A Motor Carrier or Shipper who is engaged in the transportation of hazardous materials, such as explosives, radioactive material and other chemicals deemed hazardous by the United States Department of Transportation, may be able to protect themselves under the Hazardous Material Transportation Act 1 from liability in negligence or strict liability actions brought in state […]
Legislative Update: South Dakota Enacts Data Breach Notification Law
Earlier this year, South Dakota passed the state’s first data breach notification law. Prior to passage of the law, South Dakota was one of only two states that did not have a state data breach notification law. The law went into effect this past July.
Power Of Personal Guaranty And Its Danger For Small Business Owners
In Antonucci v. SBA, the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut granted a motion for summary judgment in favor of defendants, U.S. Small Business Administration and the U.S. Department of the Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Service, and against a business owner objecting to an administrative wage garnishment for a personal guaranty […]
Small Business Investors Beware: An Individual Can Be Held Personally Liable for a Corporation’s Acts, Even If He or She is Not a Shareholder, Employee, Director or Officer of a Corporation
I. Consider the Following Scenario… Pretend that you are an investor in a new restaurant with a chef who desires to leave her current position. She thinks she will run an amazing restaurant.In addition, she even learned some delicious secret recipes from her current employer!
Recent Litigation Highlights The Need to Understand the Illinois Biometric Privacy Act (BIPA) Requirements
To avoid what is becoming a common lawsuit, businesses need to be aware of the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) requirements. Two class action lawsuits were recently filed in Cook County Circuit Court by employees alleging violations of the BIPA by their respective employers.
Aldermen Propose Chicago Data Protection Ordinance
A data protection ordinance was recently proposed in the City of Chicago. The “Data Collection and Protection Ordinance” (the Ordinance), sponsored by Aldermans Burke, Hopkins and Reilly, is a response to a string of high-profile data breaches that occurred during the past year.
Defending Bad Faith Actions
In insurance coverage litigation, bad faith claims are somewhat common. Bad faith actions, under section 155 of the Illinois Insurance Code, provide a remedy to insureds for an insurance company’s vexatious and unreasonable refusal to honor its contract with the insured.