Both federal law and the Illinois Trade Secrets Act (765 ILCS 1065/et seq.) allow a person to recover money damages caused by the misappropriation of trade secrets. 765 ILCS 1065/4; 18 U.S.C. § 1836. Generally, a “trade secret” is information kept confidential for economically advantageous reasons. See 765 ILCS 1065/4; 18 U.S.C. § 1839(3). Trade […]
Issues to Consider When Financial Institutions Provide Banking for Cannabis Related Businesses in Illinois
Since January 1, 2020, the Illinois Cannabis Regulation & Tax Act has legalized the production, sale, transport and consumption of recreational cannabis.[1] The Illinois Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act also legalized banking for Cannabis Related Businesses (CRB’s) in Illinois, stating that financial institutions assisting CRB’s, such as banks or credit unions, are exempt from state […]
Three McKenna Storer Attorneys Recognized by Super Lawyers for 2020
McKenna Storer is pleased to announce that Super Lawyers recently recognized Greg Cochran, Sara Cook, and Alexander Sweis. These exceptional attorneys are recognized by their peers for their outstanding work and commitment to the spirit of the legal profession. Their knowledge of the law, professional work ethic, and advocacy on behalf of their clients allow […]
McKenna Storer Celebrates Its 65th Anniversary
McKenna Storer is celebrating its 65th anniversary this month, which commemorates 65 incredible years providing quality legal services to individuals, businesses and insurance companies.
Preparing for a Data Breach: Tabletop Exercises
Incident response planning, including tabletop exercises, is vital to the data breach preparedness of any organization. Data breaches can have a crippling effect on a business. Although data breaches at large companies dominate the headlines, data breaches occur at small and medium-sized businesses as well.
Small Business Formation Guide: By-laws, Operating Agreements, and Partnership Agreements
When acquaintances or family members decide to go into business together, to save money, they generally forgo formalities that are not legally required. They assume matters can easily be resolved amongst family or friends. However, it is often the case that once a business starts turning a profit or failing, people start looking out for their own interests.
Does the California Consumer Privacy Act Apply to Businesses in Illinois?
The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA or “the Act”) is one of the most significant pieces of privacy legislation that we have seen in the United States. Signed into law on June 28, 2018, and effective as of January 1, 2020, the CCPA will force many businesses to change how they manage and […]
Illinois Supreme Court Decision Opens Door To Increase In BIPA Litigation
The Illinois Supreme Court’s recent decision in Rosenbach v. Six Flags Entertainment Corp. is a blow to businesses that collect biometric information and identifiers (biometric data), and will likely lead to a flood of litigation under Illinois’ Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA).
Business Owners: You Can Protect Both Yourself in the Workplace and on Social Media with A Workplace Order of Protection
Is Someone Harassing, Intimidating, or Threatening Your Business? In Illinois, businesses can protect themselves from individuals targeting them with acts of violence, stalking, threats, harassment, and property damage.
Three McKenna Storer Attorneys Recognized by Super Lawyers for 2019
McKenna Storer is pleased to announce that Super Lawyers recently recognized Greg Cochran, Sara Cook, and Alexander Sweis. These exceptional attorneys are recognized by their peers for their outstanding work and commitment to the spirit of the legal profession.