Verify your debt before paying any collection agency: There are many scam artists trying to collect non existent debts. They phone, they text, they email, and they use regular mail. Before you send money to a collection agency there a few simple steps you should take to obtain additional information about the debt to ensure […]
Debt Consolidation vs. Chapter 13
If you currently are employed but struggling to make payments on your bills, then you have two options. The first is a debt consolidation program. Debt consolidation works best for total debt that is less than $5,000 and it is important to find a reputable, nonprofit credit counseling agency for assistance. If your debt exceeds […]
Ethics and Social Media
Kelly E. Purkey and Alexander Sweis will be speakers at the Spring Illinois Defense Counsel Seminar on April 17 talking about the ethical pitfalls of social media. Kelly and Alex will examine ARDC cases related to the use of Facebook, You Tube and other social media. The conference also includes many other topical issues […]
Three McKenna Lawyers Selected for 2015 “Super Lawyers” Status
We are pleased to again have three lawyers selected for “Super Lawyers” status for 2015. Greg Cochran, Sara Cook and Margaret Foster have again been named Super Lawyers for the coming year.
Jaime Dowell Received the Blackshear Fellowship Award
Jaime Dowell received the Blackshear Fellowship Award from the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges on October 10th. Jaime’s professionalism and outstanding work as an African American bankruptcy advocate earned her the nomination and award. And spending a little time with the judges earned her a committee appointment to help with establishing a staffed pro se […]
McKenna, Storer pleased to support the Illinois Defense Counsel’s 50 Year Gala
The Firm was pleased to support the Illinois Defense Counsel’s 50 Year Gala held on June 26th at the Trump Tower. The IDC, originally led by one of this firm’s founding partners, Royce Rowe, has been a valuable resource for defense counsel in Illinois. The IDC has also been chaired by another founder of the […]
Jaime Dowell Selected to be Blackshear Presidential Fellow By Bankruptcy Judges
Jaime Dowell was nominated for the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges’ Blackshear Presidential Fellowship by Judge Thomas M. Lynch and our managing partner, Sara E. Cook. The award is given to African American bankruptcy attorneys who demonstrate the dedication, professionalism and skills that were exhibited by Judge Blackshear when he served as the first African […]
Illinois Land Trusts-the Positive Side for Secured Lenders
While many lenders, especially SBA Lenders, shy away from Illinois Land Trusts, they actually have benefits for the secured and mortgage lender. Once the Lender takes an assignment of beneficial interest in a land trusts, the Lender has positioned itself to have more control over the collateral and ease of liquidation after default.
Julie Ramson and Sara Cook Lecturers for the National Health Sciences University Masters Program
Julie Ramson and Sara Cook again were lecturers for the National Health Sciences University Masters Program for chiropractors. Their lecture focused on risk management from the attorney’s perspective.
Jaime Dowell Invited to be Volunteer Judge
Jaime Dowell was invited to be Volunteer Judge, ABA Law Student Division Negotiation Competition in February