Gregory Cochran
Of Counsel
Greg Cochran is recognized as an innovative and skilled practitioner in the complex field of toxic tort litigation. He has successfully and skillfully defended against toxic tort claims on behalf of manufacturers, distributors, contractors and premises owners in state and federal courts throughout Illinois for more than 30 years. He is also a former managing partner of McKenna Storer.
Greg Cochran is a recognized leader in the complex field of toxic tort litigation. He has skillfully and successfully defended against toxic tort and product liability claims on behalf of manufacturers, distributors, contractors and premises owners in state and federal courts throughout Illinois. He has represented clients across different industries including construction, transportation, municipal, medical devices, pharmaceutical, industrial and consumer products. His proven record of success defending clients in state and federal courts has earned him accolades from judges and members of the profession.
Greg Cochran has been with McKenna Storer for almost 40 years. He joined the firm directly from law school and eventually rose to the position of partner. He has also served as the firm’s managing partner. Greg works long hours to bring value to his clients. Greg is known for coming early, staying late and getting the job done. He also is a past president of the Illinois Association of Defense Council, and is active in many defense related associations.
He has assembled an elite team of experienced defense attorneys to represent the firm’s clients in litigation involving asbestos, benzene, silica, welding rods, mold, chemical exposure and other toxic torts. He encourages the members of his team to embody his philosophy of being client-oriented. This philosophy has won praise from clients who appreciate the responsiveness and quality of service they receive.
Greg is a gifted negotiator and a well-respected trial attorney whose courtroom skills are recognized by judges and opposing counsel. In addition to serving as national and regional defense attorney in some of the most complex toxic tort cases, Greg and his team members serve as national coordinating counsel managing case inventories, developing strategies and overseeing all phases of litigation defense on behalf of the firm’s clients.
Greg is a leader among toxic tort litigation defense attorneys. He is an active member and past president of the Illinois Association of Defense Trial Counsel.
During his time away from the courtroom and the office, Greg and his wife enjoy outdoor activities including downhill skiing and water skiing. They also enjoy training together to participate in triathlons. He and his wife have two daughters and a grandchild.
- Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel: Member, 2002 – 2022; Vice Chair of Toxic Tort & Environmental Law Section, 2003 – 2013; Member Trial Tactics, Practice and Procedures Section, Products Liability Section, Toxic Tort and Environmental Law Section
- Illinois Association of Defense Trial Counsel: President, 2008- 2009; President-Elect, 2007-2008; First Vice President, 2006-2007; Second Vice President, 2005 – 2006; Secretary/Treasurer, 2004 – 2005; Defense Tactics Seminar Chairman, 1993-1994; Board of Directors, 1994 – 2004; Co-Chair Products Liability Committee, 1997 – 1999; Co-Chair Membership Committee, 1999 – 2004
- Member of Pro-Bono Panel, Chicago Volunteer Legal Services, 1983 – 2004
- Arbitrator for the Cook County Mandatory Arbitration Program, 1988 – 1995
Illinois Super Lawyers 2007, 2011-2025
Leading Lawyer, Illinois –Toxic Tort and Mass Tort Defense 2012-2024
- University of Michigan, B.A., 1977
- University of Michigan, J.D., 1980
- Lawyers Post Graduate Clinic – Trial Techniques Institute, 1982
- IADC LAW – Defense Counsel Trial Academy, 1987
- Illinois
- USDC – Northern District of Illinois
- USDC – Southern Districts of Illinois
- USDC- Central District of Illinois
- USDC – Eastern and Western Districts of Wisconsin
- USDC – Northern District of Indiana
Product manufacturers, electrical products, premises owners, contractors and distributors — Toxic Tort Litigation
Representation of defendants in toxic tort litigation arising from exposure to asbestos and other substances or chemicals, such as benzene, in jurisdictions throughout Illinois, as well as in active jurisdictions in Indiana and Missouri. Successful defense leads to voluntary dismissal of more than 90% of all cases without payment.
Hot Cases, FDCC Website (2005-2007; 2012-2013)
An Island of Repose Amid the Swirling Sea of Asbestos Litigation (IDC Quarterly, Q4 2001)
Defending Product Liability Cases in Illinois After the Best Decision (IDC Quarterly, Q4 1998)
The Sale of Asbestos Insulation, Incidental to its Installation Into Real Property, is a Protected Activity Under the Construction Statute of Repose (IDC Quarterly, Q1 1998)
Construction Statute of Repose: The Sale of a Product, Incidental to its Installation, is a Protected Activity Under the Construction Statute of Repose (IDC Quarterly, Q4 1996)
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks – Cleanup Responsibilities and the Illinois Reimbursement Fund (Northern Lights, August, 1992)
The Illinois Responsible Property Transfer Act – Ready or Not (DuPage County Bar Journal, December, 1989)
The Illinois Pollution Control Board: What Are Your Options When the IEPA Comes Knocking (Illinois Municipal Review, November, 1989)
The Illinois Distributor Statute: A Look Beyond the Classic Scenario (Newsletter of the Illinois Association of Defense Trial Counsel, January, 1988)
1986 Supplement to Second Edition of Illinois Pattern Jury Instruction (Newsletter of Young Lawyers Division of the Illinois State Bar Association, April 1987)
- Presenter, Creating a Long Range Plan for Your Association, DRI Annual Meeting, October, 2006
- Lecturer on Toxic Tort Defenses, Product Liability defense, the Illinois Tort Reform Act, Admission of Expert Evidence, Municipal Liability, Mandatory Court Annexed Arbitration and Illinois Responsible Property Transfer Act.