Paul S. Steinhofer
Paul S. Steinhofer, a former prosecutor, has depth and experience in preparing and trying cases. His attention to detail and focus leave no stone unturned in his prosecution of his client’s position. A seasoned advocate, clients of McKenna Storer appreciate that Paul makes client communication a priority. Paul is a gifted, first-chair litigator who also excels at educating his clients, so they can understand and make informed decisions about their cases.
Paul S. Steinhofer is an experienced civil and criminal first chair litigator who has tried numerous cases to verdict. His clients represent a broad spectrum of insurance companies and corporations for whom he has provided defense litigation representation in cases involving catastrophic loss, product liability, toxic tort litigation and construction litigation. One of his major clients is Siemens.
Some of Paul’s notable litigation successes have involved cases defending clients against claims of asbestos and benzene exposure. As a key member of the McKenna toxic tort practice, Paul conducts depositions throughout the United States in addition to participating in trials throughout Illinois and Indiana in both state and federal courts.
When he is away from the office and the courtroom, Paul enjoys spending time with his wife and their four children. Paul’s commitment to his family includes coaching his children’s sports teams and volunteering along with his wife in their church.
- Defense Research Institute
- Illinois Association of Defense Trial Counsel
- Lake County Indiana Bar Association
- Indiana State Bar Association
- Claims and Litigation Management Alliance
- Environmental and Toxic Tort Committee for the CLM
- Indiana University – Kelley School of Business, B.S., 1988
- Indiana University – Maurer School of Law, J.D., 1993
- State of Illinois
- State of Indiana
- USDC – Northern District of Indiana
- USDC – Southern District of Indiana
- USDC – Northern District of Illinois
- USDC – Southern District of Illinois
Asbestos Defense of Contractors —Toxic Tort and Mass Tort Litigation
Local insulation contractors performing insulation work at a variety of commercial and industrial jobsites in major metropolitan areas in the Midwest. Successful defense leads to voluntary dismissal without payment of more than 90% of all cases against McKenna clients.
Defense of premises owner — Toxic Tort and Mass Tort Litigation, Commercial Transportation Law
Representation of premises owner in personal injury litigation alleging injury as a result of exposure to asbestos.
Product Liability (Asbestos) — Toxic Tort and Mass Tort Litigation
Representation of various entities in services based and product liability related asbestos litigation pending throughout Illinois in both state and federal courts, including pumps, valve, boiler, and HVAC related equipment, as well as insulation contractors.
Blog Posts and Articles
- Evaluating Scar Injury CasesAs a defense litigator I’m relied on to evaluate the settlement and verdict potential of cases for my clients. I recently settled a case that involved a female teenager with a large keloid scar on her leg below her knee.… Read more: Evaluating Scar Injury Cases
- General Contractors BewareGeneral contractors should be aware that simply paying workers’ compensation insurance premiums for a subcontractor will not provide them with the exclusive remedy protection under the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act. The Illinois Supreme Court confirmed that the exclusive remedy provisions… Read more: General Contractors Beware
- Petrillo Issues Still Coming Up in TrialIn a jury trial I had this summer, the Petrillo issue was once again raised. The trial involved a construction accident resulting in serious injuries. Before the judge could rule on the Petrillo issue, the case settled. What could have… Read more: Petrillo Issues Still Coming Up in Trial
- The Continuing Evolution Of E-ScootersMany commuters consider 2018 as “the year of the scooter” with Bird and Lime having started an electric battery-operated scooter service in California late in 2017. With a maximum speed of 15 mph, these short-range electric vehicles consist of a… Read more: The Continuing Evolution Of E-Scooters
- Illinois State Legislature Passes Bill That May Allow Increased Civil Claims Against Illinois EmployersOn March 14, 2019, the Illinois House passed Senate Bill 1596 by a vote of 70-40-1. The Bill creates a statutory exception to the workers’ compensation exclusive remedy provision for occupational injuries otherwise barred due to the Acts’ repose provisions.
- 5 Takeaways From Cook County’s New HIPAA Qualified Protective Order For Property and Casualty InsurersThe Law Division of the Cook County Circuit Court rang in the New Year with a new HIPAA Qualified Protective Order (QPO) following Judge John Ehrlich’s memorandum opinion in Shull v. Ellis, No. 15 L 9759. The New HIPAA QPO… Read more: 5 Takeaways From Cook County’s New HIPAA Qualified Protective Order For Property and Casualty Insurers
- 7th Circuit Court of Appeals strikes blow against Plaintiff’s Experts in Asbestos RulingPlaintiff Charles Krik, a life-long cigarette smoker, alleged that his lung cancer was caused, in part, by exposure to asbestos attributable to his work as a pipe fitter at an Exxon Mobil refinery. At the trial level, the judge barred… Read more: 7th Circuit Court of Appeals strikes blow against Plaintiff’s Experts in Asbestos Ruling
- NEW SUPREME COURT RULING WILL HAVE IMPACT ON MASS TORT LITIGATIONJustice Alito delivered the opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court on June 19, 2017 in Bristol-Myers Squibb Company v. Superior Court of California. The case concerned over 600 plaintiffs who brought suit in California state court against Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS)… Read more: NEW SUPREME COURT RULING WILL HAVE IMPACT ON MASS TORT LITIGATION
- Talc’s Increasing Presence in Mass Tort Litigation DefenseTalc seems harmless enough. It is used in countless cosmetics and is a staple for infant care. Known as the “world’s softest mineral,” talc is mined from the ground like any other mineral. However, increasing evidence is showing that mined… Read more: Talc’s Increasing Presence in Mass Tort Litigation Defense
- Secondary Exposure to Asbestos: When Taking Your Work Home Can Be ActionableTake home, or secondary exposure, asbestos cases have increasingly become the norm in toxic tort asbestos litigation in the last 10 years. Secondary exposure occurs when a worker is exposed to asbestos at a job site and brings the asbestos-containing… Read more: Secondary Exposure to Asbestos: When Taking Your Work Home Can Be Actionable
- Restriction on Statute of Repose Defense Results in an Increase In Asbestos Claims Being Filed in IndianaA frequently relied upon defense in insurance defense cases such as product liability and toxic tort cases in Indiana has been the statute of repose. Plaintiffs had two years from the date they knew or should have known they suffered… Read more: Restriction on Statute of Repose Defense Results in an Increase In Asbestos Claims Being Filed in Indiana
- Anticipating the legal implications of design-build methods of constructionA new method of construction delivery has developed to accommodate the needs of owners, designers and contractors. Traditional design-bid-build methods that have been the mainstay in construction are giving way to a design-build method. Lawyers practicing in the area of… Read more: Anticipating the legal implications of design-build methods of construction
- What Everyone Needs to Know about the Current State of Food Labeling LitigationLabeling Litigation Since the early 2000s, litigation stemming from food labeling has grown to record proportions. California, which leads the nation in food labeling cases, continues as the primary jurisdiction for the majority of the filings. This has caused some… Read more: What Everyone Needs to Know about the Current State of Food Labeling Litigation
- Asbestos Plaintiffs No Longer Barred by Indiana Product Liability Act’s Statute of ReposeIn Myers v. Crouse Hinds Div. of Cooper Indus., (2016 Ind. LEXIS 156), the Supreme Court of Indiana found that Section 2 of the Indiana Product Liability Act violates the Indiana Constitution. Further, the Court held that the Indiana Product… Read more: Asbestos Plaintiffs No Longer Barred by Indiana Product Liability Act’s Statute of Repose